
National Transport Medical Institute provide several other professional services in-order to best serve the consumers. With state-of-the-art technology and the services consumers can expect the outcome 100% reliable and fast.

Medical Fitness Certification for Obtaining New Driving Licenses

Vehicle categoryFee (LKR)
Heavy Duty Vehicle (effective from 2024-08-14)2,500.00
Light Motor Vehicle1,500.00
Long Vehicle1,500.00

Medical Fitness Certification for Renewal of Driving Licenses

ServiceFee (LKR)
Renewal of Heavy Duty Vehicle Driving Licenses (effective from 2024-08-14)2,500.00
Renewal of Light Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses1,500.00
Obtaining Learner Permit1,500.00

Medical Fitness Certification for Obtaining

CategoryFee (LKR)
NTC Identity card1,500.00
Route Permit (Omini Bus)1,500.00
Private Bus Conductor License1,500.00
Driver Instructor1,500.00
CGTTI Trainees2200.00
CGTTI Apprentice2200.00

Medical Fitness Certification for Recruitment

ServiceFee (LKR)Remarks
Gov. Institution1,500.00Some of the institutions need a x-ray and ECG. Then the applicant has to be pay an additional amount.
Central Transport Board2200.00
Private Companies1500.00

Conducting Medical Examinations

ServiceFee (LKR)
CTB Re-Employment800.00
Court Referral1500.00
Police Referral1500.00
Medical Board500.00
Over 40 Medical Certification

Services for Foreign Applicants

The visa must have a validity period exceeding 12 months.
CategoryPriorityCharges For Medical Fitness Certificate
DiplomaticGivenFree of Charge
Foreign visaGivenLKR 7500.00 (Special)
Dual CitizenNot-GivenLKR 1500.00 (Local fee)
Spouse VisaNot-GivenLKR 1500.00 (Local fee)

Radiology Services

Service Fee (LKR)
X – Ray Report 700.00

Biochemical Laboratory Tests

OPD service for CTB Employees

Developed by NTMI ICT